Safeguarding Young People

The purpose of the course is to raise your awareness of young people who may be vulnerable because of their age, relative inexperience, past abusive experiences or current circumstances. The course stresses the importance of responding appropriately and proportionately to vulnerable young people to prevent harm and ensure that, where harm has already occurred, they are supported and helped.

£49 £10

Safeguarding Young People

4 Hours
All levels
0 lessons
0 quizzes
100 students

Course Overview

The purpose of the course is to raise your awareness of young people who may be vulnerable due to their age, relative inexperience, past abusive experiences or current situations. The course emphasise the significance of responding correctly and consistently to vulnerable young people to prevent harm and ensure that, where harm has already transpired, they are supported and aided. This course provides a thorough understanding on safeguarding young people to anyone who comes into contact with young people in their work or voluntary activity.

This course comprehensively covers:

  • Recognise who may be vulnerable.
  • Understand the signs and indicators of abuse.
  • Comprehend what to do if a young person discloses abuse to you.
  • Ascertain about recording and reporting procedures.
  • Know good practice guidelines.

Key features and benefits

  • Level 2 course (as graded against the nationally accepted levels)
  • 70% pass mark.
  • Additional resources for further learning and printable modules for future reference.

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