Course Overview
This course covers the Core Skills learning outcomes for Safeguarding Children Level 2
The purpose of the course is to raise your awareness of young people who may be vulnerable due to their age, relative inexperience, past abusive experiences or current situations. The course emphasise the significance of responding correctly and consistently to vulnerable young people to prevent harm and ensure that, where harm has already transpired, they are supported and aided. This course provides a thorough understanding on safeguarding young people to anyone who comes into contact with young people in their work or voluntary activity.
This course comprehensively covers:
- Recognise who may be vulnerable.
- Understand the signs and indicators of abuse.
- Comprehend what to do if a young person discloses abuse to you.
- Ascertain about recording and reporting procedures.
- Know good practice guidelines.
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the importance of being an effective advocate for the child or young person at risk of maltreatment Common terminology in child safeguarding.
- Understand the normal development of children and young people and how maltreatment may affect this. The nature, types and range of child abuse.
- Understand the scale and health impact of child maltreatment.
- Know the potential child and parental vulnerability factors that may lead to child maltreatment or neglect. The risks associated with the internet and online social networking.
- Understand the potential increased needs of ‘Looked-after Children’ and risk of further maltreatment.
- Understand the legal, professional, and ethical principles and responsibilities guiding information sharing Potential consequences of failing to raise concerns.
- Understand your own role and the key roles and responsibilities of other key colleagues in contributing to effective safeguarding. The importance of maintaining a child and young person focus.
- Know when and where further support is needed to undertake the required action to ensure effective safeguarding.
- Be able to document safeguarding/child protection concerns and maintain appropriate record keeping.
- Know how, appropriate to their role and within context of agreed local arrangements, how to make a referral to social services (now Children’s Social Care), if a safeguarding issue is identified.
- Be able to share appropriate and relevant information in a variety of forms between teams and relevant agencies.
- Know the sources of evidence and processes that can be helpful in learning lessons, including the findings and implications from Serious Case Reviews, and reviewing the effectiveness of safeguarding arrangements.
- Understand the paramount importance of the child or young person’s best interests as reflected in legislation and key statutory and non-statutory guidance.
- Be able to recognise how their own beliefs, experience and attitudes might influence their response and involvement in safeguarding activity.