Course Overview
Child protection is about protecting children from violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect and keeping them safe from harm. It is about promoting the health and welfare of children and young people helping them to grow up in a safe and supportive environment.
This course is important for anyone that works with children and young people in an education setting. It’s purpose is to raise awareness of abuse, neglect and other harms, recognise early signs that might indicate a problem, and how to take appropriate action.
This five module course comprehensively covers:
- what forms child abuse can take (including other harms such as FGM, Forced Marriage, Exploitation and County Lines) and the effects it can have
- radicalisation, extremism and the Prevent duty
- signs that may mean a child is suffering abuse and how to respond if a child confides in you
- processes for reporting abuse
- the child protection system
- good practice guidelines.